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“On a thousand fronts and more, Israel is fighting against the Palestinians. Armed soldiers and policemen, bureaucrats and inspectors, architects, right-wing non-governmental organizations – all are soldiers of the state, and they are too many to count. The vanguard and rearguard in every battle: the State Prosecutor’s Office, the legal advisers and the judges,” wrote Amira Hass recently in her regular Haaretz column about Palestinian affairs and Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands and the war it is waging on Palestinians.
Amira Hass, Haaretz Reporter
Amira has been reporting for Haaretz on Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza since the early 90's; she lived in Gaza from 1993 to 1997; since then – in El Bireh. Author of "Drinking the Sea at Gaza" and of two compilations of articles for Haaretz and the Italian weekly Internazionale. Born in Jerusalem in 1956, studied History in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv universities. Hass Joined and was active in left wing groups while in high school.