From Palestine With Art - The Book of the Venice Biennale Collateral  Event Exhibition Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 7.30.06 AM.png

From Palestine With Art - The Book of the Venice Biennale Collateral Event Exhibition

From Palestine: Our Past, Our Future - The book of Palestine Museum US Venice biennial architecture exhibit IMG_9051.jpg

From Palestine: Our Past, Our Future - The book of Palestine Museum US Venice biennial architecture exhibit

Foreigners in their Homeland: Occupation | Apartheid | Genocide - The book of Palestine Museum US European Cultural Center Biennial  Venice Exhibition. IMG_4171.jpg

Foreigners in their Homeland: Occupation | Apartheid | Genocide - The book of Palestine Museum US European Cultural Center Biennial Venice Exhibition.

The Atlas of Palestine (1917-1966) in English by Palestinian historian and cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta IMG_4169.jpg
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The Atlas of Palestine (1917-1966) in English by Palestinian historian and cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta

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Atlas of Palestine 1871-1877 by Palestinian historian and cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta

Crossing Borders - The Search for Dignity in Palestine, by Christa Bruhn IMG_7861.jpg

Crossing Borders - The Search for Dignity in Palestine, by Christa Bruhn

Oranges from Jaffa - A true story about the end of the golden age of Palestine, by Nadine Sayegh

Oranges from Jaffa - A true story about the end of the golden age of Palestine, by Nadine Sayegh

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Remembering Ramallah - A Preservation of History

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Tracing Homelands Israel, Palestine, and the Claims of Belonging

Ida in the Middle

Ida in the Middle

Art of Palestinian Embroidery Guide (Arabic) IMG_2471.jpg
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Art of Palestinian Embroidery Guide (Arabic)

A Taste of Gaza by Lima Shawa Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 10.00.03 AM.png

A Taste of Gaza by Lima Shawa

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Threads of Identity by Widad Kamel Kawar

Arabic Version of Traditional Palestinian Costume by Hanan Karaman Munayyer IMG_4604.jpg

Arabic Version of Traditional Palestinian Costume by Hanan Karaman Munayyer

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Traditional Palestinian Costume by Hanan Karaman Munayyer

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Palestinian Embroidery Motifs - A Treasury of Stitches 1850-1950

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Mohamed Saleh Khalil Portfolio Art Book

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Falastin- A Cookbook


Nabil Anani - Palestine Land and People

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To Palestine with Love by Najwa Kawar Farah

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i Read I Write, by Laura Boushnak

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Rest In My Shade

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"هالصيصان" “These Chicks” by Laila Taji

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Selection A - Box of 8 Greeting Cards

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Selection B - Box of 8 Greeting Cards

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Catalogue of "The Impossible Dream" Exhibit

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Christina Goes to the Holy Land by Maria C. Khoury, Ed.D.

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The Other End of the See
