Atlas of Palestine 1871-1877 by Palestinian historian and cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta

Atlas of Palestine 1871-1877 by Palestinian historian and cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta
Please note: The publisher has recently raised the price of the book and recognized a significant increase in the shipping costs. The price includes $10 shipping and handling surcharge in addition to the standard shipping fee due to the large size and heavy weight of the book.
"Atlas of Palestine 1871-1877" is a new book by Palestinian historian and cartographer Salman Abu-Sitta. Its historical significance is in documenting and preserving the state of Palestinian maps, towns, and and populations prior to the Zionist colonization of Palestine.
The Atlas shows Arab Palestine before the Zionist colonization of Palestine. It has 13,000 names of towns, villages and places. There was not one Zionist colony.
The atlas consists of 600 pages, all in colour, 115gm paper, 24x 34 cm page size. Cover black industrial leather. Weight 2.5 kg net. It has an index of 13,000 names.
The Atlas is based on the British Survey (SWP) organized by Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF), after having been checked for accuracy of maps and name correction. Also the Atlas has added hitherto original maps and data not used before.