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Event Occurs Every Sunday-Register Once; Attend All.
The program begins at 12 Noon US EDT; 7:00 PM Palestine Time.
Please join us for a virtual session of open discussion about Palestinian topics.
In 1948, the year of al-Nakba or "the catastrophe", over 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homeland through militarized displacement resulting in the depopulation and destruction of over 400 Palestinian villages. Each village has a unique story regarding the specifics of how it was attacked and how its inhabitants were forcibly expelled. For the most part, the villages were totally destroyed - leaving only a few that stand to this day. Ayn Hawd and Ayn Karem are these unique cases of villages escaping the brutal destruction that sought to erase the physical signs of the Palestinan presence throughout the region. While the houses and buildings of these two villages were left standing, the actual Palestinian inhabitants were displaced and are forbidden to return. The stories of Ayn Karem and Ayn Hud are critical for understanding the situation in Palestine as one of settler-colonialism.
Hanan Awad
About Hanan Awad
Hanan is a Palestinian-American photo essayist, and guest host on Arab Voices, based in Houston TX. As a guest host for her special segment on Arab Voices, Hanan has interviewed several important figures in the Palestinian community; arsists, activists, writers, and more. Hanan Awad is also the president and founder of the Olive Tree Project a 501© (3) that plants 1,000 olive trees in Palestine annually.