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Event Occurs Every Sunday-Register Once; Attend All.
The program begins at 12 Noon US EDT; 7:00 PM Palestine Time.
Please join us for a conversation with Anna Younes.
Anna Younes
Anna-Esther Younes is a German Palestinian independent scholar, writer and policy consultant. Her focus is on questions of race, settler-coloniality and Europe, psychoanalysis and transnational war. Younes uses the term "War on Antisemitism" in relation to the War on Terror and War on Drugs as it plays out in Europe and the West as well as beyond as a prolongation of anti-Muslim racism, where the figure of the Palestinian plays a vital role for the manifestation of white supremacist structures. She also wrote the Islamophobia Report on Germany for three years, following amongst others the developments of anti-Palestinian racism. Younes curated (Palestinian) art and writes movie or literature analyses. Her favourite engagement with popular culture is through sci-fi or zombie movies/books. Her work can be accessed on her website:
Latest Publications:
Younes, A. 2023. Palestinian Zombie: Settler-Colonial Erasure and Paradigms of the Living Dead. Janus-Unbound, Open Access.
Younes, A. 2022. Figurations of Naziism as a Foil for (Violent) Revenge Fantasies: Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds and the Making of a “New White Man” Post-9/11 – Social Text. Online.