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Free virtual screening of the film "Jerusalem Bride" by Palestinian Director Sahera Dirbas

  • Palestine Museum US 1764 Litchfield Turnpike, Suite 200 Woodbridge, CT, 06525 United States (map)

Times are based on US ET zone. Event is at 12 Noon US EDT; 7:00 PM Palestine Time.

To register for this event please click here.

To view the film trailer please click here.

The screening of the film will be followed by Q&A discussions with the film director Sahara Dirbas.

About the Film


Through visits by social worker Riham, we discover the difficult situation and suffering experienced by four families because of the political, economic and social circumstances in the Old City. Reham faces her own Personal difficulties in her wish to marry Omar.His family opposes the marriage fearing for their own reputation since Riham's brother is a known drug addict.

من خلال زيارات العاملة الاجتماعية رهام, نكتشف الحالة الصعبة والمعاناة التي تعيشها أربع عائلات نتيجة الوضع السياسي و الاقتصادي والضغط الاجتماعي في البلدة القديمة.
فهي تستمر بعملها رغم أن عائلة عمر التي تملك مطعم في البلد القديمة تعترض زواجهما لأن أخيها مدمن مخدرات ويخافون على سمعتهم الجيدة في البلد.
Length: 72 minutes
Languages: Arabic with English subtitles

About Director Sahera Dirbas

Education: 1984-1987    Graduated as practical chemical engineering from Handasaem College in Technion-Haifa

 2006-2008 Greenhouse- Seminars for Pitching Forum Panel 

2011– Workshops of Pitching-Ramallah Doc by French consulate Jerusalem 

Work experience: 

2006-2015   Independent Filmmakers, freelance producer, supervising director

1995-2020  Freelance producer for news and documentary, mainly with Rai-uno-due-tre TV & BBC and others international TVs.

– Researcher of Palestinian Oral history

2016-2017  Project Instructor of “Reel Stories” project, empowering young women through filmmaking. A project of Palestinian Heritage Museum- Jerusalem and Arab American Museum, Detroit, USA

2012-2013  Production training and supervising filmmaker for 15 Palestinian women of how to produce 10-15 minutes short documentary about Palestinian Women Oral History. 

Project by: Italian Cooperation- Jerusalem and Ministry of Women’s Affair-Ramallah 

August/ 2011-  I taught scriptwriting for young Egyptian filmmakers in Euro med program called Rising Stars- Cairo 



” On The Doorstep” 37 min, awarded a Special Mention Prize by jury in 2018 Palestinian Cinema Days and awarded a Special Mention Prize by jury in 2019 Alquds international film festival

2017- Silence

2015 – Director of documentary films

  • ”Between Heaven and Earth” 10 Minutes, 2015 was filmed in Switzerland

  • “Sumud” 20 minutes, 2015 short documentary for CRIC- Italian Organization

2015- Director supervision, production training for a new women directors and producing 5 films about Palestinian woman’s oral history:

1- “The Shepherd Woman’s Secret” 20 minutes, Beit Awa – Hebron

2-“Jerrycan Water” 30 minutes, Jalazoon refugee camp

3- “Jasmine Necklace” 30 minutes, Nablus

4-“Suzan’s Fingerprint” 20 minutes, Tulkarem

5-“Asmaa Letter” 20, minutes, Jenin


1- Participated 15th Festival del Cinema Europeo di Lecce 2014 and screening of ” stranger in My Home”
2– Short film “Evicting violence from our life and history” production of the Italian cooperation –Jerusalem- 2013

2013 – 2014 Teaching and director supervising for 15 Palestinian women from different cities in West Bank for the project of the program called “Audiovisual Documentary Research, training and Audiovisual Production on Women’s Narrative and Memory in the Palestinian”

Results: producing 4 short films for an Audio Video new section in “Wujoud” women Cultural center and Museum in the Old City of Jerusalem.

The program was done by WELOD- Women’s Empowerment and Local Development (WELOD2). – Consulate General of Italy-UTL Italian Cooperation Office and the Palestinian Ministry of Women’s Affair


3 TV Spots about No Violence against women these are links:

1-Evicting violence from our life and History

2- No Violence against Women


2012-  Deir Yassin Village and Massacre” 75min, 2012 by Sahera Dirbas

2010- “Jerusalem Bride” 75 min Docudrama film participated in: 

  • 7th Dubai International film festival 2010

  • Middle East festival: What can Cinema do? 12/10 Paris

  • And other international festivals in Europe and the US

  •, Italy

  • Boston Palestine Film Festival

  • AlArd Film Festival Cagliari Italy

  • Casa internazionale delle donne, Roma Italy

  • Cultural Italian Center Haifa


 Tow TV spots for a campaign of combating violence against women production by Italian Cooperation-Jerusalem


Screened in Audio Visual University of Salerno- Italy 2014 and in International women House Rome


 1- “Stranger in my home” Jerusalem, 37 min 2007. 

Awarded of the best short documentary film

in AMAL09 7th IEAFFL in Spain.

Screened in European Parliament-Brussels in 2007

– Participated in:

– 3rd   Middle East festival: What can Cinema do?  12/09 Paris

– 3rd Al-Jazeera International DFF in 2007 Qatar

And other international festivals in Europe and the US

Got translated to six languages:

 Arabic, English, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish.

2-“138 pounds in my pocket” It was nominated to a price in 5th Aljazeera international film festival 2010 and participated other international festivals in Europe and US and Canada.

3- “Crystal Grapes” 14 minutes.

Both films production of Bergen University- Norway

2008- “A Handful of Earth” 52 min, 2008. Participated in : 

– 29th International Solmunacinema Festival Italy 2009.

– In 5th al-Jazeera IDFF 2009.

– Boston- Palestinian film festival. 

– San Francisco Arab film festival 

and other international festivals in Europe and US


2005 – 

1- Article “Nakbah Wanakbaty” in

2- Session “Voices of Palestinian Eyewitnesses of the Catastrophe in 1948 “ and presenting the film “Haifawi”  in the conference of Oral History Association , the 39th Annual Meeting  Providence ,Rhode Island :F067 . 

2002- Lecture about Palestinian women’s movement 1908-1948.

2000- 56 minutes documentary film called “Haifawi” Palestinian Eyewitnesses telling their story during “Al-Nakbah” the Catastrophe 1948.


I published three small books:

 1993 -” Salameh”, 1992 – “Albirweh”, 1991 – “Tirat Haifa” 

about 3 Destroyed Palestinian villages in 1948 of their cultural social educational and folklore life and the events of “Al-Nakbah “ 1948 , based on Oral History research: