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Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Return to Lifta," a Zochrot film narrated by Umar al-Ghubari.

  • Palestine Museum US 1764 Litchfield Turnpike Woodbridge United States (map)

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Screening will start at 12:00 Noon US EDT; 19:00 Palestine, 18:00 Europe, Running Time 26 minutes, English with English subtitles as applicable. The film screening will be followed by discussions with the audience.

About the Film
This educational video (tour) serves as an eloquent expression of the steadfast refusal to accept the intolerable status quo that reigns over the once-thriving village of Lifta, embodying an unwavering act of resistance against a malevolent scheme poised to obliterate the very essence of this historic Palestinian village. By skillfully portraying the authentic tapestry of Lifta's illustrious past, vibrant culture, and treasured heritage, this meticulously crafted video assumes the formidable role of a dynamic instrument, forcefully thrusting the grave injustices inflicted upon Lifta and its inhabitants into the glaring spotlight. As the resonant voices of Lifta's resilient refugees resound throughout the narrative, their impassioned pleas for a redoubled collective endeavor to safeguard their ancestral homeland resound with resolute urgency. It is crucial to underscore that the overarching purpose of this video extends beyond a mere exposé of the enduring injustices perpetuated by the ongoing Nakba, colonization, and dispossession. Rather, its ultimate objective lies in kindling an unwavering collective demand for a future characterized by irrevocable justice and the unequivocal exercise of equal rights. Foremost among its myriad aspirations is the emphatic affirmation of the inalienable right of all Palestinian refugees to reclaim their rightful place upon their stolen lands, a sentiment acutely underlined by their undeniable right to return to Lifta. By harnessing the twin forces of education and heightened awareness, this compelling video aspires to galvanize not only local support but also international solidarity, thereby fostering an unassailable groundswell of backing for the indomitable endeavor to safeguard Lifta's existence and concretize the long-held aspiration for an equitable society that embraces all.

Umar al-Ghubari