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Film Screening "We cannot go there now, my dear"

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Palestinian refugees have been living in Syria since they had been forced to flee Palestine in 1948. As the Syrian crisis intensifies, they alongside the Syrians have been affected by the war. Their story, however, is more complex. By fleeing Syria and seeking refuge in Lebanon they are becoming a special category of refugees: they are refugees twice over.

As Palestinians they are not entirely welcome in Lebanon. As refugees, their travel documents are not recognized. As Palestinians, this is the second time they lose everything and find themselves once more homeless and stateless. This documentary film tells part of the story of those twice-over refugees. A story where memories were awakened between one exodus and the other, and where loss invades all things striking the very self. A story where the causes and consequences are known, but not the closure. A story where lives are continuously being rebuilt and improvised awaiting the return.

THE DIRECTOR Carol Mansour

Carol Mansour founded Forward Film Production in 2000 in Beirut, Lebanon. With over 20 years in documentary production, Mansour has covered the world from Sri Lanka to Lebanon to Uzbekistan. She has achieved international recognition and honor for her films, with over thirty film festival screenings and official selections worldwide.

Her films have won numerous prestigious awards including Jury’s Prize at the Institute du Monde Arab in Paris and Best Documentary at the Arab Film Festival in Rotterdam. More recently, her film on the plight of Syrian refugee women has won the Best Documentary Award at the Rated SR Festival in New York, and the Jury’s Special Mention at the FIFOG festival in Geneva. Her film on the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon “A Summer Not To Forget” received Best Short International Documentary at the New Zealand Festival.

Her latest film is a documentary on the Palestinian refugees from Syria who have had to flee to Lebanon, for which she has already won the Best Documentary Award at the Al-Ard Film Festival in Sardegna and the Women Film Critics Circle Award at the Rated SR festival in New York.

Carol’s work reflects her concern for human rights and social justice, covering issues such as migrant workers, refugees, environmental issues, mental health, war and memory, right to health, and child labor.

Prior to launching Forward Film Production, Carol has produced, directed and hosted numerous live entertainment, magazine, and travel programs for Future Television in Beirut, Lebanon.

Carol is Lebanese of Palestinian origin. She studied in Montreal, Canada, and is currently living and working from Beirut, Lebanon.